Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to Move On

Valentines Day? Hmm....

Hello my blaudience, so the month of February is finished once again and I know some of you had a great February spending times with your significant other, giving chocolates, giving flowers, having lunch or dinner together, and all of that dating stuff. 

Such great times but not all of us had a great month, now did we? Yes, I know most of you had a bad month getting rejected, being heartbroken, or just being plain bitter on the month of love saying "I don't have February 14 on my calendar" like this calendar over here

The fudge is February 14?
Hey, no need to hide it. I know, you know, we all know that you were heartbroken/bitter/rejected on this month and haven't got any idea on how to move on or prolly just enjoy the month of love.Yeah... It hurts right? I know, I've been there. I know the embarrassment of getting rejected and I know how painful it is being heartbroken but really? Do you really need to loathe and be depressed about it so much?

If you are indeed broken and in need of some assistance then keep reading and you might learn something from this blog. Today I can teach you how to move on and prolly enjoy February with even having a bf or a gf. I'll be you guidance, your friend, your mentor, your counselor on an adventure. Join me as we embark on an epic journey full of hardship, pain, and suffering that may lead you crying home to mommy and daddy, a journey to "moving on". 


Disclaimer: Warning, this blog/guide is based on the experience of the blogger. The blogger has no responsibility over the consequences that may occur over the courses of action the reader will take on this bloguide. Parental guidance is advised to those who are below 18 years of age. Result may vary so please don't cry at me saying it didn't work.

Okay, so what's the first of moving on? Well, most of the people who you talked to before reading this blog prolly said "Just forget him/her", "Throw away the things he/she gave you", "Avoid him/her at all cost" and this is probably the worst thing to say to a person moving on "Just find another guy/girl." While most of them are correctly, let's be honest here. It's not that easy to move on, trust me I too had a share of those lines being uttered to my face nonstop.

So think, most of them are correct but are vague. The correct way of moving on is thinking what you should do first in order to move on. Educate yourself first before proceeding to the more "advance" method, know that you might experience this and that throughout the process, knowing that would lead to perseverance prompting the brain to think that it's okay it's part of the process. Also use your brain for peepsake, some "method" of moving on aren't always right for you like the disclaimer said "result may vary."
Use your brain this time! Screw your heart!

Instead of directly asking how to move on, know first that no matter what they tell you, you're always going to deny them first uttering this annoying line "I've tried that but it didn't work" even though you haven't really done it nor put any time on it. Hell, you might even say that you'll be back together in no time or say that he/she will learn to love you.

That's okay it's normal for you to react that way it's called denial. It's the first stage of the stages of grief that you'll prolly experience through the process of moving on.

The next stage is anger. In this stage you'll get mad at your bf/gf/crush first saying "Why did he/she left me?", "Why won't he/she love me?" Then you'll blame other factors that you think "might" have ended your relationship such as work, school, friends, parents and other stupid factors that you could think of that probably has nothing to do with your love. Last, you'll blame yourself saying your ugly, distracted, and blah blah blah stupid reasons that would lead to self loathing.

Then we have bargaining where you ask God or anyone within your premises that you haven't annoyed yet that you would give anything just to have that "special" someone of yours. Mostly saying improbable lines like trading something you cherish just so you he/she could love you back. To put it simply, begging to him/her for his/her love. Though you might think bargaining will work, it does but keep it mind that it rarely works and mostly would lead to embarrassment.

Next we have depression where you'll cry a lot. This is the stage where you'll probably look out a window with your earphones on and the songs are from Secondhand Serenade or any other bands that play heartache songs. A stage where you feel like you're on a music video where there is rain and a lot of crying, also sadness don't forget about the sadness because you know EMO-goloid. No seriously this stage is very dangerous because it often leads to lose of hope prompting suicide, seek help immediately if you ever lose hope.

Last we have acceptance, you'll experience this once you done all those other four. This is really the first step of moving on but only truly experienced at the end. Accepting the fact that you're no longer together or that your crush doesn't really like you and being okay with it.

Know this and you'll surely move on

Now that you know what you'll prolly experience while moving on. Here are the ways to move on from someone.

1. Accept the fact 
    Accept it, he/she doesn't love you. No matter what you do if that person doesn't really like you then he/she won't love you. It might hurt at first but time heals, it really does.

2. Cry

     Yes, it's okay to cry. Let it all out. Empty your sadness through tears, relieve yourself from the pain until you had enough crying. You'll eventually stop crying when you feel satisfied because you have already let it out.

*sob sob sob*

3. Don't blame anyone not even yourself

     I've heard a lot of people blaming themselves or anyone mostly their crush/bf/gf, some are even encouraging others to blame in order to move on. Well don't, it will only bring up the past because you haven't accepted it yet. It's not anyone's fault so don't point fingers or will only lead to further depression.

No "blaming" allowed
4. Enjoy yourself

     I know this is a common tip but it really works. Spend some quality time with your friends and families, have fun together, distract yourself from that "someone". Although, spending time with others is great, spending time alone is better. Being alone really forces you to move on because you have time to reflect and do the things you want. Spending time with someone is good but you haven't really moved on if you can't do it by yourself.

5. Forgive and forget the bad past, remember and cherish the good ones

     A lot of advises on moving on includes forgetting but others interpret it wrong. What they really want to say is don't forget that person entirely but instead remember him/her for all the beautiful things you've done together. Forgive them for breaking your heart, then remember and learn from them so you won't make that mistake again. When you know the feelings are gone, befriend them and seek closure. The true way of knowing if you've moved on is knowing that even you're with him/her you don't feel awkward but instead you feel comfortable.

Truly wise words right here

6. Give it time

     Time heals, the most common line you can give to someone who's moving on. Surprisingly they're not wrong, time really does heal wounds we all know that but we always misinterpret it. Time can heal your wounds if you do something about it, it won't heal if you do nothing. It might take you a long time to move on but eventually you will, it's all up to you on how you can hasten it. 

This ain't a natural healing process

These are all of the tips I could give you for now. There are a lot more ways to move on perhaps too many to list down here so I just put the things that I did based from what I experienced.

Remember, you can move on and you'll eventually will take it from the blogger who took him a year to move on. Eventually he did after some struggle, he's now friends with her and supports her and her boyfriend. Now he made this blog to try and help you move on from a heartache.

Move on guys, you can do it. And oh... if you think you won't receive anything on February 2017 and that no one would greet you a happy valentines day, here's from me to you.

Advance Happy Valentines Day everyone!

-Hernandez, Jeric C.

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