Monday, March 7, 2016



How to sleep better
We, the college students are prone to stress and anxiety because of the mountainous of works that we have to do. We need to handle our academics while balancing with our social life and family matter. The stress level could make our sleeping pattern in a bad shape. But worry no more, I am here to talk about the things that can make you sleep better, because quality is more important than quantity. We need sleep to feel refreshed in order to be productive, mentally sharp, emotionally balanced and have energy all day long!

The first thing to do is stick to a sleeping schedule. Having the same bedtime and wake up time helps to regulate your body clock that could help you to fall asleep and stay asleep in the night. The second one is to practice a relaxing bedtime ritual, you can have a relaxing activity before you go to sleep and it should be away from bright lights in order to not cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make you have difficult time in staying asleep. The third one is, if you are having problem sleeping, you should avoid naps most especially in the afternoons. You can power nap to help your day but if you noticed that you cannot fall asleep at bed time try to lessen those naps and even your catnaps. The fourth thing to do is to exercise daily, it may sound of a lot of hard work but you can do a light exercise because it is better than no activity at all. The fifth thing is to evaluate your room. Darkness can help you to sleep more easily and also your room should be cool and free from noises or distractions. The last thing is try to grab your favourite pillow and sleep on a comfortable mattress.

Sleeping is one the important biological needs of the body, not giving importance to it might result to death. So sleep when your body is shouting for it, and may the given tips on how to sleep better be effective to you. Goodnight!

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